Together we can make a difference
Whatever nationality, colour or religion, the Japanese attack on the Far East brought war, death and suffering to the civilian and service personnel who found they were facing a well prepared Japanese fighting force which could not be stopped. The nightmare then began as Prisoners of War and Internees. Together with the Romusha (native labour), they were put to work as slave labour in the Japanese war machine and the death toll rose sharply. After three years of death and suffering the nightmare ended in a radio broadcast on the 15th August 1945 by the Japanese Emporer. Saying farewell to mates left behind those who survived made their way home, but ‘Not all Wounds Bled’. Of Those Who Survived, the nightmares never ceased.
Far East at War
Changi POW Art:-
Des Bettany had carried small sketchbooks with him, and recorded the actions in Malaya and Singapore, in various media including pencil, ink, water colour and pastel. He continued his artistic endeavours during his new life as a P.O.W. As well as documentary sketches, he kept spirits up by producing a series of cartoons, some of which satirised his captors.
Far East at War – Web Site Links
- Asia War Graves
- Australian Ex-Prisoner of War
- Australian War Memorial
- Borneo PoW Story
- Burma Star Association
- Burma Thailand Railway Memorial Association
- Britain at War
- British Legion
- Captive Memories
- Changi PoW Art
- Changi Cross
- Commonwealth War Graves
- Far Eastern Heroes
- Far East PoW Community
- FEPOW Family
- FEPOW Memorial Church
- From Percy Main to Sumatra Via France
- Hong Kong War Dia
- Japanse krijgsgevangenkampen
- Java FEPOW Club 1942
- Lisbon Maru
- Malayan Volunteers
- National Archives UK
- National Archives of Singapore
- Never Forgotten – The Story of Taiwan PoW Camps
- National FEPOW Fellowship Welfare Remembrance Association
- No 211 Squadron RAF
- Pekanbaru Death Railway
- Prisoners of War of the Japanese
- Thailand-Burma Railway Centre
- Researching FEPOW History Group
- Roger Mansel – Center For Research
- Roll of Honour
- Singapore Government Infopedia
- Singapore Government History
- Singapore Government Newspapers
Far East at War – Facebook Sites
- 5th Beds & Herts in the Far East
- British Empire & Commonwealth Forces in the Far East
- Descendants of Thai-Burma Railway WWII POWs
- FEPOW Family
- FEPOW – Far East Prisoners of War
- HMS Exeter
- Malayan Volunteer Group
- The Changi Cross
- VJ Day the FEPOW Wall of Heroes
- World War 2 in the Philippines
- WW2 Burma Research
Subscription Research Services
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- D-Day: The Invasion of Normandy
- History – World War II
- National Geographic – World War II in Europe
- NORTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGNS, including French North African Landings
- BBC – People at War
- Their Finest Hour – Winston Churchill Speeches
- The Ultimate Guide To World War 2 Records – American Site
- World War in II Europe